Tectonic Speculations
RM Sovich, FAIA
A book of five hundred (500) hand drawings, computer models, and Midjourny generated digital models.
Purchase from Amazon.
RM Sovich, FAIA
Lynda Burke
Craig Purcell
Issue No.5 Repose and Energy
is now available. Check the website for details or purchase directly from Amazon.
RM Sovich, FAIA
Lynda Burke
Craig Purcell
Issue No.4 The Edge of Edge
is now available. Check the website for details or purchase directly from Amazon.
Lynda Burke
RM Sovich, FAIA
Craig Purcell
Issue No.3 Pattern is Maddening!
is now available. Check the website for details or purchase directly from Amazon.

RM Sovich
Craig Purcell
Lynda Burke
Issue No.2 Ornament is Splendid! is now available. Check the website for details or purchase directly from Amazon.
Craig Purcell
RM Sovich
Lynda Burke
Issue No.1 now available. Check the website for details or purchase directly from Amazon.
The Design of Inpatient Hospice
RM Sovich, AIA
Exerpt of Chapter 13 of the book, FutureCare, New Directions in Planning Health and Care Environments, edited by Derek Salter and Martin Valins.
Free PDF Download
A Place for Hospice Care
RM Sovich, AIA
Thoughts on how an ideal inpatient hospice care home might look, based on one of the founders of the movement.
Free PDF Download

Assisted Living Design Manual:
A Guide to Creating Home
RM Sovich, AIA
Robert Jenkins
Candace Baldwin
Comprehensive guide to the programming, planning, and design of Assisted Living Facilities.
Contact us for a copy of this publication.
Doors and Thresholds in Care Settings
RM Sovich, AIA
What happens at the threshold of a door is significant. This essay considers the special meaning of thresholds in care settings.
Free PDF Download
RM Sovich, AIA
Speculative architectural drawings considering aspects of houses, towers, and cities drawn from a “dreaming pen”. Illustrations are juxtaposed with quotes from Bachelard, DeBergerac, Calvino. Includes an original poem by Emma Sovich.
RM Sovich, AIA
The 20X10 House is a house that fits in a standard parking space. The project was recognized by the Maryland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Purchase this book in paperback