
Our approach to architecture grew out of the work we have done for the elderly and dementia patients. We became particularly aware of their sensory limitations and needs; conditions which functioned for most people could be hazardous to them. At the same time, we learned that inadequate ventilation and certain building materials had adverse effects on the health of the occupants. This is known as “sick building syndrome”. We ask,
If buildings can make us ill, might they be designed to promote wellness?
We advocate a phenomenological approach to the design of places for people. By this we mean that in the design process we consider how a place will be experienced and perceived by the building’s users. Form, color, lighting, and materials are carefully considered as they have a measurable effect on the occupants. Successful solutions promote greater interaction between the building’s inhabitants and their environment. In this way, architecture transcends image or technological gymnastics and becomes a frame for one’s 'life-situations'.
We believe the design of an environment has a measurable effect on a person's health, well-being, emotions, and ability to learn.