
Randy M. Sovich, FAIA, LEED® AP NCARB
Mr. Sovich graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University, and has practiced architecture for 35 years. His extensive experience designing buildings and places has been recognized for quality in international competitions and through awards programs locally, regionally and nationally, including the Maryland Society of Architects, the American Institute of Architects Components Awards, Progressive Architecture Magazine, the American Society of Landscape Architects, The American Society of Interior Designers, the Center for Health Design and American School and University Magazine. Mr. Sovich authored “Creating Home, An Assisted Living Design Manual” with Robert Jenkens and Candace Baldwin of NCB Capital Impact. Mr. Sovich is founder and co-Editor of T3XTURE Archizine. He was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects in 2022.
Fitsum E. Temelisso, AIA, LEED® AP, NCARB
Associate Principal
Mr Temelisso has a Masters of Architecture and Human Settlement, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and is a practicing professional architect per the Ministry of Works and Urban Development Construction Work Coordinating Bureau, Ethiopia. Mr. Temelisso‘s 16 years of professional experience includes education buildings, healthcare, and design for aging. Since joining RM Sovich Architecture in 2001 he has consistently demonstrated his unique understanding of architectural design and his knowledge of the construction process.